ABOUT US.... Hi our names are Louisa and Veronica and first off we'd like to say thankx for coming in...
We are two close friends who live in Toronto.
We thought that this would be fun on our free time (since we have sooo much of it now with the teacher strike!)
When we're not in school we like to hang out - go shopping, watch movies, listen to music...
Though we both love music and have many interests...our taste in music differs...Louisa likes Celine Dion, savage Garden, Smashing Pumpkins,
and Grease Soundtrack (thus the John Travolta pic)
Veronica on the other hand likes BRYAN ADAMS, Bon Jovi, Van Halen, Def Leppard, anything 80's and non dance...Inc.Celine Dion!
We both like BUSH, Our Lady Peace and of coarse the list continues....
Our Favourite movies include: Interview with the Vampire, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Reality Bites, The Crow and this list too continues...

A shout out to all our friends at home - HEY!
Well we should mention something about our reading....
We both enjoy it very much....Among our fave books are
Circle of Friends, The Vampire Chronicles, Dark Cathedral....
And others that well we just like.....

Bryan Adams
if Bryan Adams interests you go here...you'll find everything!!

If you are into music and TO go here...You'll find everything from Dance to Rock

Anne Rice
Anyone who reads or likes vampires, witches, ghosts....

Email me on:
[email protected]

Favourite links
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